A GROUP of pupils in Year 3 at a primary school was involved in making an episode for the ChardCast project linked with the Chard Museum.

As part of the ‘My Home is My Museum’ project schoolchildren at Avishayes Primary School were asked to collect objects in a shoe box that were special to them and then described what they meant to them during the episode.

Richard Tomlinson from Culturally Chard and Howard Bailey from The Chard Museum inspired the children to reflect on their lives living in Chard.

Some children remembered their family through photographs, and some spoke of special soft toys given to them by relatives.

They were then encouraged to choose one object from their mini museum to take with them to a desert island.

Children at Avishayes Primary School visit the Chard Museum every week for five weeks in the Autumn Term to help them answer their enquiry question, 'How can we find out about people from the past?'

A message from the school said: “We’re working with Chard Museum to create a Podcast inspired by the theme My Home is My Museum.

“The idea is that children from Avishayes school create their own shoebox museum all about themselves.

“The museum can contain any objects that have significance, such as family photographs, toys, or holiday souvenirs.

“The miniature museum might also include objects that are close to your family’s heart, such as old photographs of great-great-grandparents.

“You can listen to the episode of ChardCast by visiting www.chardmuseum.co.uk/chard-cast or searching for ‘Chard Museum’s Podcast’ on your podcasting app.”

ChardCast is a project managed by Chard Museum on behalf of Culturally Chard. It is funded through, the now Somerset Council, and Historic England.