HUNDREDS of people turned out for a summer fundraising event which saw more than £800 donated to a cancer charity.

The Strawberry Tea Party was held on Monday, August 29 at Hornsbury Mill, having been organised by the mill’s owner and district councillor Amanda Broom.

Speaking after the event, Cllr Broom said: “It was an amazing afternoon.

“The sun stayed out for us and lots of people turned up to hear the singers, visit the stalls and ride the ponies.

“In total £850 was raised, which doubles last year’s collection, and gives a great incentive for next year’s event.

“There are so many people to thank – the stall holders, John Gudge, Hornsbury Mill, Gill Knight and Tracy Milton with the ponies, Jill White, the mayor and mayoress, and the businesses of Chard for their prizes.

“But most of all, thank you to everyone who turned up and helped to raise a staggering amount.

“If anyone wishes to donate any money after the event then please contact Amanda.Broom@south Uncollected raffle prizes are being held at Hornsbury Mill; winning people will be contacted.”

The Strawberry Tea Party was held for Breast Cancer Care and follows a number of successful events, the Calendar Girls and the bras hanging on Victoria Roundabout in 2014 and 2015.

The event also featured guest speaker Jill White, who is fighting and winning her own battle with cancer.