CHILDREN and young adults facing challenges are being invited to ease their troubles through a play date with horses near Chard.

Special Horses for Special Children at Scrapton Farm in Wadeford use the Horse Boy Method devised by Rupert Isaacson. The method was devised to help autistic children, but can also assist those suffering from issues with bereavement, bullying, divorce or neurological difficulties.

Specially trained horses can provide a therapeutic experience, as well as all sorts of unique opportunities for visitors to interact with them – and the visitors continue to flood in since the service launched last December.

Equine facilitated learning company Red Horse Speaks visited last week and got the chance to decorate the horses with washable paint.

Lilias Ahmeira, of Special Horses for Special Children said: “Because our horses are used to doing circus tricks - they really enjoy the painting and they prance and parade their new coat of colours across the field.

“The adults often get more out of painting the horses than children – as it is a really big surprise for them.”

While more visitors are heading to see what is offered on the farm, the main focus remains on helping families who need it most with morning, afternoon or full day sessions for visitors to come and spend time with the horses.

Lilias added: “It is a fantastic experience for the kids – and it is very exciting seeing how they change -we try to create an environment that allows magic to happen.”

TO find out more about Special Horses for Special Children follow the link on this story below.