CHARD Museum threw open its doors again on Monday for the start of the new season.

New displays on show this year celebrate Chard Carnival and Chard Concert Brass and newly-elected chairman David Ricketts believes that they will be a big hit with visitors.

He said: “We have a brilliant new display of Carnival costumes.

“These bright and cheerful clothes really make the costume gallery sparkle. Doreen Toms and her helpers have done a magnificent job to show off the colours and delights of local carnivals. I thank all of them for the time and dedication they have given to the Museum.

“I would also like to thank Dee Manley and her team of volunteers for all the conservation work and running repairs they have done throughout the winter.

“They have been busy uncovering the exhibits and putting them into place ready for the musuem re-opening.”

The museum has a new publicity leaflet this year. This has been possible with a grant from the Co-operative Community Fund.

The leaflet will be placed in the Tourist Information Centre in Chard and selected tourist venues. It will also be delivered to certain areas in Chard to encourage more local people to visit the museum.

Mr Ricketts added: “The museum receives visitors from all over the country. But many residents of Chard admit to having never visited their local museum.”

The museum will be open Monday to Friday from 10.30am to 4.30pm and on Saturdays from 10.30am to 1pm until October 29.