WAS Del Boy up to his old tricks in Chard last weekend?

Well, we’re not sure about that – but it may be that some ‘plonker’ was snapped by one of our readers driving the wrong way down Mill Lane in his Reliant on Saturday at 8.30am.

The red Reliant was spotted towing a white Reliant by our observant reader and he said it nearly collided with another vehicle heading the right direction.

The reader said: “One of the vehicles was towing another poorly, causing it to slam into a nearby wall.

“Both cars were also travelling the wrong way down a one-way lane and nearly caused an accident.

“The towed vehicle didn’t have an engine and was being moved out from the area - after being pushed into Mill Lane.”

The reader also reported a noise disturbance in the area at around 4am.

Can you explain the strange activity with the Reliants on Saturday morning? Did you witness the incident? Have you spotted any near misses with vehicles going the wrong way down Mill Lane? Contact the News on 01460-238180 or newsdesk@chardandilminsternews.co.uk.