I WOULD like to reply to Mr Kinder (Postbag, March 11) on behalf of the cricket club regarding his or anyone else’s misapprehension that cricket is the recipient of any public money for the new facilities at Britten’s Field.

The cricket club will take over responsibility for the clubhouse on the Rec and is most unlikely to receive any public money to enhance it. The refurbishment will be funded solely by cricket club finances.

A project is being prepared to make improvements to the pavilion and it is hoped to secure some section 106 funding for that work.

The cricket club has never been the recipient of vast sums of council funding.

In 2008 we received £2,000 towards new covers – since then we have not received anything, even though we have invested £12,000 for practice nets, £2,500 for a new score box and this year bought a new roller for £10,000.

Requests were made to the town council to support these projects and on each occasion we were told funds were not available.

The latest guidance from council is that the maximum grant available is £250 from a total pot of £1,000.

It is probably also worth remembering the clubs pay rent for the space. I hope this sets the record straight.

  • CRAIG RICE Ilminster CC