AS a society we decided to go to CATS pantomime as one of our social events – we had an enjoyable evening and we feel we did nothing out of place.

We wore our T-shirts like we always do on any of our social evenings.

We had no intention of sabotaging a fellow group’s performance – we apologise if we inadvertently caused any ill feeling or discomfort to the group or any individuals, and it was not done with malice or intention to disrupt.

But we were a large enthusiastic group who responded accordingly, as we would wish any of our audiences to do.

At no point during the performance was our society told to stop or be quiet.

It has always been TAPS policy to support other panto groups and this was shown by purchasing 21 tickets plus programmes etc totalling £230 towards CATS.

Regarding the ex-members, their departure after their last pantomime was amicable as far as they were aware – they simply left to pursue new challenges.

We would like to wish CATS all the best for the future.

TAPS is putting on Jack and the Beanstalk at Tatworth Memorial Hall on February 26, 27 and 28. We look forward to seeing you there for a night of fun, laughter and all the traditional panto antics.

  • Spokesman for Tatworth Amateur Pantomime Society