MEMBERS of Chard Bowling Club held a party on Friday (May 31) to celebrate the 90th birthday of member Stan Fowler.

Stan has been a member of the club for 21 years, having joined at the age of 69. He is a very active member of the club, frequently playing in competitive matches and acting as captain. 

A spokesman for the club said: "It was a lively evening with nibbles, music and cake, which was made by club member Georgina. "

Chard Bowling Club invite bowlers of all ages to join them. They have six outdoor lawn rinks which open April until September and two indoor short mats. 

There is a regular programme of matches throughout the year, visit their website for more information.

At the clubhouse, there is a licensed bar, kitchen, lounge/function room with events taking place throughout the year. with social events including a fish and chip supper, quiz, coffee mornings and a "fun" day for members, social evenings, bingo, beetle drives a BBQ in the summer and a christmas meal.