A LOCAL cricket coach was recently recognised for his service to cricket at an awards ceremony held at the KIA Oval.

Connor Hyde, who helps with Somerset Cricket and a number of South Somerset clubs, was nominated by Somerset Cricket Foundation for his outstanding work as a Super 1.

The event saw two young people recognised for their personal development and contribution to Super 1s cricket and they were both presented with an Inspire Award by England all-rounder Chris Woakes and comic Adam Hills.

Connor attends the Yeovil hub of the Somerset Super 1s project, where he supports the coaches in the delivery of warm-ups and occasionally helps run the session too. 

He has also been successful in passing his Foundation One coaching course.

In addition to his work with Super 1s, Connor supports Hilton Cricket Club and Yeovil Cricket Club in the running of their national programs as well as supporting Ilton CC with their junior section. 

Connor said: "If I didn’t have cricket, I don’t think I would be as happy, and I can’t say thank you enough. It’s really motivating.

"Sometimes I think of coaching and training as not actual work because I really enjoy what I’m doing, I just care about other people enjoying it."