IN preparation for observing the wonders of spring, staff at Shepton Beauchamp Church School installed a bird box nest equipped with an internal camera with the hope that birds may choose to nest at the school site and provide inspirational learning for the children.

Over the past few weeks, a pair of blue tits have been observed gradually building the nest and placing soft materials inside.

And now the nest is full of eggs.

Alfie from Year 6 said: “It is incredible.

"I am going to view every day and I cannot wait to see the eggs hatch.”

Connel Boyle, executive headteacher said: “All of our staff at Shepton have a deep care for nature and our environment.

"This innovation allows us to share the wonder of nature - literally outside our own front door.

"In the future, one of our children could be inspired to become the next David Attenborough or Chris Packham and we hope that by watching our eggs hatch and new life being nurtured, this will be something our children remember forever.”