FERNE Animal Sanctuary is encouraging individuals to give twice this Christmas by sponsoring an animal.

The dedicated animal care facility announced that by sponsoring an animal, contributors will play a critical role in ensuring that the animals lead fulfilling and content lives.

A range of sponsorship packages cater to different preferences and budgets providing a choice for potential sponsors.

For example, Paw level sponsorship will secure you a pack, either digital or printed, consisting of a personalised certificate, complimentary day pass to the sanctuary, a photograph of the selected animal together with its background story, an array of Ferne’s seasonal postcards and a bookmark.

Children's packs also include bonus activity sheets and a Freddie Ferne logobug.

Should you choose to sponsor at the Hoof level, in addition to the digital pack, you will be presented with the opportunity to meet your sponsored animal.

The top level, Trotter level sponsorship, comprises of a half day farm experience with Ferne’s esteemed animal care team coupled with the digital pack.

Ferne Animal Sanctuary earmarked 12 animals to be sponsored, each with their unique story and individual needs.

Arnie, a quaint miniature Shetland pony, is one of the animals you could potentially sponsor.

Despite his reputed sweet and polite nature, he has a soft spot for food and competition with companion, Wotsit, another Shetland.

Arnie's seamless capacity for establishing a bond with new mares only to later switch focus back to grazing is one of his more endearing traits.

However, it soon transpired that upon arrival at Ferne, Arnie suffered from a number of health issues which require daily medication, monitoring, and regular veterinary checks.

Managing his conditions is financially demanding and physically challenging, nevertheless, if it was not for Ferne, Arnie's future would have been uncertain.

With mini Shetlands regularly reaching their 30s, Arnie, who is approximately nine, will potentially need Ferne’s support for many more years- something helped through donations and sponsorship.

Sponsorship options start from just £3 a month, providing animals a priceless gift of security.

To learn more about Ferne Animal Sanctuary, and to make a donation or sponsorship, visit www.ferneanimalsanctuary.org.