CHARD Rotary Club is calling for new members following the celebration of its 78th anniversary.

The club, which was granted its Charter on November 7, 1945, offers membership to anyone irrespective of age, gender, faith, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

The town’s club is one of over 46,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide and is part of a community of 1.4 million Rotarians on a mission to unite people and act to create lasting change on a global, local, and personal level.

Chard Rotary Club prides itself on its commitment to the betterment of society and is guided by the motto “Service Above Self”.

Over the years, its members have undertaken a wide range of projects and initiatives in the town to help individuals and the local community.

Members regularly provide support to other organisations, including Chard Carnival and Chard Town Council, with marshalling and fundraising.

The club also helped establish Chard Hospital’s League of Friends, and Newsline, the town’s talking newspaper.

More recently, the club has been instrumental in the operation and organisation of Chard’s vaccination clinics, drawing on decades of experience eradicating polio overseas.

Members have also raised more than £3,500 to support Ukrainian refugees and collected donations for the Turkey-Syrian and Moroccan earthquakes.

In addition, the club actively supports Chard’s young people through its annual Youth Speaks, Young Writers, and Young Musician competitions.

It also runs the Quadkids athletics competition event every summer with pupils from across 15 local primary schools.

President John Harris said: “We welcome potential new members from all backgrounds to join Chard Rotary Club.

“Our club offers unparalleled leadership and management experience, networking opportunities, and personal development.

“If you would like to join the Chard Rotary Club, or are interested to learn more, please do contact us.”

Alongside their call for new members, the local Rotary Club is also inviting Chard residents to share their views on what projects they would like to see delivered in the town.

The club is keen to hear from communities in Chard that would benefit from Rotary support.

Members of Chard Rotary Club meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month and anyone is welcome to join.

To find out more or to join as a Member, please search online or on Facebook for ‘Chard Rotary Club’, or phone 01460 66444. Alternatively, you can email: