Written by Chard Carers' Support Group

WE HAD a busy meeting on October 9 at Chard Carers’ Support Group.

As ever, tea and chat prevailed but Clive and Bruno from Medequip and AJM Healthcare did manage to get a word in edgeways to tell everyone about the equipment and services they provide and how their help can be accessed.

It was Bruno’s first ‘outing’ talking to groups about wheelchair services so we hope we didn’t frighten him off, though Clive did give us the accolade later of saying that he was impressed with the atmosphere and friendliness of the group.

Our aim is to help, support, and signpost carers to sources of help and of course some lasting friendships have built up over time.

Kate, Mary, and Jean attended the recent Community Showcase event in the Guildhall, which does what it says on the tin - showcases all the smaller groups in Chard.

We spent a lively morning speaking to all sorts of people and hopefully helped a few with some of their queries while having a catch-up with other groups and societies.

We have been asked to talk to a couple of groups about what we do – one lady said she would welcome a chat from us as some of her members are carers but don’t really recognise that they are undertaking this role.

We are organising a coach trip to Clarks Village on December 7; carers, cared for plus some members of the Ilminster carers’ group and others will be joining us.

It’s a stress-free way of getting in some pre-Christmas shopping without the drag of driving there and finding a place to park.

There are very few spaces left so please let Pat or Kate know if you would like to be included (contact numbers below).

We aim to leave Crowshute at 10am and come back from Clarks departing at 3pm – and back by 4 pm, so plenty of time to spend money and eat lunch.

Chard Carers’ Support Group meets on the second Monday of the month in the hall behind English Martyrs Church at the traffic lights in Chard (car park and easy access).

The next meeting is 10.30am 12.30pm Monday, November 13.

We welcome all unpaid carers for support, friendship, and help accessing services and assistance.

Please give Pat (01460 220026) or Kate (01460 394331) a call, email us at chardcarers@aol.com or find us on Facebook.