A WEATHERSPOON’S pub in Chard will slash the cost of meals and drinks to mark Tax Equality Day, Mary Stoppard writes.

On Thursday, September 14, The Cerdic will reduce the cost of meals and beverages by 7.5 per cent.

To date, a 20 per cent VAT levy is applied to food and drinks served in pubs, while supermarkets pay zero VAT on food, which allows them to sell cut-price alcohol to their customers.

The Cerdic’s pub manager, Chris Farrugia, discusses the importance of tax equality, saying: "Customers coming to The Cedric on Thursday, September 14th will find the price of their food and drink is lower than normal.”

He believes that the difference between VAT levied on food and beverages in pubs is unjust and that the ongoing competition between the cost of alcohol in supermarkets and the VAT they must add to a meal and a pint in public houses, puts hostelries at a considerable “tax disadvantage”.

He also added: "It doesn't make sense for the hospitality industry to subsidise supermarkets.”

Mr Farrugia also urged “the Chancellor to create tax equality between pubs and supermarkets".

For more information about The Cerdic, follow the link below: https://www.jdwetherspoon.com/pubs/all-pubs/england/somerset/the-cerdic-chard