THE Redstart Primary School’s has released an official limited-edition coin to mark the historic coronation of King Charles III.

With the support from local businessman Henry Stevenson of Pennymangle Ltd, 500 coins have been generously donated to The Redstart Primary School (part of The Redstart Learning Partnership) as part of their coronation celebrations.

Mr Stevenson opened his home to a Ukrainian refugee family whose children have joined The Redstart Primary School this year and was keen to give the school a gift.

Chard & Ilminster News:

These unique coins (only one set of 500 has been pressed) have Jony Ive's design of the coronation emblem on one side.

For the other side, the school held a competition with the winning design being created by Year 6 pupil Emily Edwards-Gaylard, which encapsulated the Redstart bird alongside visual representations of the four school houses: Earth, Fire, Air, and Water.

Around the edge are the words "We Follow The Redstart Way" which is the school's mantra for helping every member of the school community to be their best self.

Each child at the school, from the Nursery up to Year 6, has received one of these one-of-a-kind coins.

Chard & Ilminster News:

Mrs Collins, head of school, said: "We were overwhelmed with gratitude for Mr Stevenson's donation and so impressed with the beautiful coins.

“We wanted the children to have a lasting memory of the coronation year and this felt like a lovely way to tie the school's values in with this momentous occasion."