FOR the third and final time this academic year, 30 pupils from all 10 of The Redstart Learning Partnership schools came together to join a public debate.

The topic was a very important one: ‘Does this generation have enough good role models?’

Taking turns each of the teams from the 10 schools presented their arguments introducing the topic, providing evidence, and summarising their conclusions.

Chard & Ilminster News: Chris Seaton (Interim CEO) and Castle winnersChris Seaton (Interim CEO) and Castle winners (Image: Contributed)

A common theme running through the debates recognised that role models are not always celebrities, pop stars, politicians, or sports people but everyday people such as family members, NHS workers, friends, teachers, and so on; one team member concluded that their grandmother was their role model.

The teams presented strong arguments recognising that role models demonstrate hard work, kindness, good values, and determination amongst a number of other strong traits.

To support their presentations schools used flashcards, quotes, and props. The teams were also keen to point out that not all role models have a positive influence, there are a number of bad role models out there that use their influence in a negative way, so they advised us to make the right choices and surround ourselves with positive role models.

Chard & Ilminster News: The winning students from Castle Primary SchoolThe winning students from Castle Primary School (Image: Contributed)

After all 10 schools had presented to judges adjourned to make the very difficult decision in deciding who would be the winning team, it was announced that Castle Primary School, from Stoke-sub-Hamdon, took the honour after their strong presentation.

Chris Seaton, Interim CEO for The Redstart Learning Partnership and public speaking judge for the debate said “It was an absolute pleasure to be part of the judging panel today.

“The teams presented some very strong arguments and it was good to see some common themes within the presentations, especially hearing about the role models that the young people aspire to and the role models that they have recognised to avoid.

“It has been really inspiring to listen to the pupils and how they feel they can make a difference.

“Making the final decision on the winners was extremely hard, the presentations were all very good and the pupils should be really proud of themselves. I’d like to extend my congratulations to the winning team from Castle and to WPA for their kind hospitality”.