A PRIMARY school in Ilminster has won the Green Flag Eco Award for its commitment to environmental topics.

Herne View Primary School has recently celebrated this achievement after including the environment in its curriculum.

Chard & Ilminster News:

Miss Woodley, one of the Eco School leads, said: “We are very proud and pleased to tell you that we have been awarded our Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.

“Our Eco-Committee worked incredibly hard throughout the year on various projects focussing on Global Citizenship, Biodiversity, and Energy.

“The children carried out an environmental review, created an action plan, and attended many meetings. We have successfully made a positive contribution to make the world better.

“Look out for our Green Flag which will be displayed at school very soon.

“Thank you to all the staff and children across the school for all of their hard work and contributions to all of the wonderful curriculum work.”

The school would also like to thank Miss Woodley and Miss Green for leading on this initiative.

Here are some of the comments from the awarding body: “We’re really impressed by how broadly and creatively you’ve embedded environmental topics across your curriculum. This approach looks at the big issue of climate change in a holistic way.

“We love the ethos of collective responsibility that underpins your Eco-Code.

“It embodies your values as a school and celebrates the wonderful work you have done so far.

“We love your fair and democratic approach to appointing Eco-Committee members, ensuring that there is an even spread of representation across year groups and classes.”