SCHOOLCHILDREN at a primary school in Chard turned into rockstars for a day to win a competition.

As part of the Acorn Multi Academy Trust, Thorncombe St Mary's took part in a MAT-wide event on Friday, November 18 against the other six schools in its trust.

Each year group was assigned an hour during the school day to take part in a 'jamming' session on TimesTable Rockstars.

The school also raised funds for Children in Need.

Chard & Ilminster News:

A spokesperson for the school said: “This is a fantastic online system that provides children with personalised multiplication tables to practise.

“Thorncombe St Mary's were thrilled to be crowned the winners of this competition with the Year 2, 5 and 6 children achieving the best scores for their year groups.

“The staff and children enjoyed dressing up as rockstars for the day and raising money for Children in Need.”