AN ARTIST has visited a Chard primary school to inspire children to be creative and learn about their local heritage.

Darrell Wakelam visited at Avishayes Primary School, which aims to inspire children through its Curious Chard curriculum.

The school’s Continuous Provision activities cover all our States of Being including how to become artists.

Darrell Wakelam is renowned for creating artwork with children and young people, mainly in schools but also in museums, libraries, theatres, and as a part of festivals or events.

He originally trained as an illustrator but gradually over time became more and more interested in sculptural work, nowadays his work is predominantly three-dimensional and incorporates simple techniques and cheap, everyday materials, mainly scrap cardboard and paper.

This makes the outcomes accessible and achievable for even the youngest of participants.

Darrell said: "I enjoy working with the children, I admire their adaptability and resourcefulness, I appreciate their honesty and I am always amazed by their energy and enthusiasm. In return, I try my best to match these attributes."

Once Avishayes Primary School delved into our local heritage it was apparent that the creative links were numerous.

The children have lots of opportunities to learn through structured play and are supported by an excellent experienced staff team.

If your child is due to start school in Reception 2023, you can contact the school for a guided visit.