THE Reception Class at Avishayes Primary School has been learning how to be authors, mathematicians, artists, and engineers through our new enquiry-based learning 'Curious Chard'.

The scientists have been finding out all about Autumn so far; and the athletes about being very active outside.

The whole class will be walking to Chard Reservoir to look for signs of Autumn and Grandparents were recently invited for a special play and stay session in class.

After the half-term holiday, the Reception Class will be exploring the Enquiry 'Where Does Light Come From?' and Autumn, and the shortening days, forms part of this and pupils will be also exploring a dark den.

They will be looking at Festivals and Celebrations of light - Bonfire Night, Diwali, and eventually Advent and Christmas.

The school’s Continuous Provision activities cover all our States of Being through Free Flow inside and out.

The children have lots of opportunities to learn through structured play and are supported by an excellent experienced staff team.

If your child is due to start school in Reception 2023, you can contact the school for a guided visit.