YOUNG people in Chard have put their skateboards where their mouths are to raise money for repairs to a skate park in Chard.

With support from volunteers from local churches and skate companies, they took part in a fundraising event at the Henson Park facility on Saturday (August 20).

The money raised will help towards carrying out essential repairs to the park, which has been left to deteriorate.

Chard-based Diocese of Bath and Wells youth worker Tom Tame, who helped organise the day, said: "Many parts of the park are unsafe to use, with multiple cracks appearing on the ramps and safety railings falling apart.

"The hope is to raise enough money so that we can afford to make the necessary repairs to the park, making the space safe for riders of all skill levels and ages.

"It shows how much the young people are invested in making the skate park a safe and welcoming environment for everyone."

Pictures: Steve Richardson.