AN employee at a Chard factory is pictured here enjoying a great read on a Great Wall while working in China.

Graeme Spurway, of Brecknell Willis is setting up a production facility to manufacture conductor rail for the Chinese market. He is based the city of Tian Jin, south of Beijing.

Rather than struggle with the Chinese alphabet, Graeme took the Chard and Ilminster News with him to stay in touch with local events.

He is pictured reading the News at Huangyaguan Great Wall just north of Tian Jin.

* A year's subscription to the News is up for grabs this year for the best picture submitted to our fun News in the World series. So if you're off somewhere famous and far-off, take the Chard and Ilminster News with you and send us a photo.

Judges in the competition will not be necessarily looking for the photograph taken the furthest away - just something that little bit extra special.