I first read "Scenes From a Smallholding" a few years ago and it was one of a tiny handful of titles that made me truly belly-laugh out loud.

Incredibly, it still has the power to crack me up whenever I find a pocket of time for an idle flick through!


"Scenes From a Smallholding" by Chas Griffin (originally published by Third Leaf Books, now republished by Ebury Press ) is a wonderfully eclectic collection of articles originally written for the HDRA's magazine, 'The Organic Way'.

It entertained their readers so much, dear Chas eventually caved into popular demand and laced it together into what I fondly refer to as, quite simply,'Scenes'.

It's an autobigraphically led piece, following the extended Griffin family, as they 'downshift' from normal vocations, to grow garlic as a cash crop.

The reality of running their smallholding turns out to be as far from straightforward as you could ever imagine.

If I hear from anybody who's even mildly contemplating trading their briefcase for a pitchfork, I recommend they buy this eye-opener long before penning their letter of resignation.

To all potential downshifters, lovers of open spaces, pigs, cows and loft hatches, I urge you to part with your hard earned cash (and I don't do that too often) and buy this work of naturally comedic genius.

There is, somewhat unsurprisingly, a "More Scenes From a Smallholding", which I also hold in high esteem, but there's something about the first book that just tickles my funny bone and I am sure you'll love it too.

It's a perfect gift for Father's Day (or Mother's Day, Christmas or birthdays now I come to think about it)...

Go on, treat yourself!


For more ideas of how you can 'slow down and green up', please visit www.DownshiftingWeek.com