CHARD Prep School's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is holding its annual vintage Midsummer Fete this Saturday. 

Taking place on Saturday 15th June 15 from 12 noon to 2.30pm on the Monmouth Lawn at Chard Prep School, Fore Street, Chard (opposite Dominos Pizza). 

Events at the Fete include traditional games, face painting, bouncy castle, a bar, hot food, tug of war, maypole, singing, raffle, flower head garlands, Tombola and much more. 


Gemma Buckley, who sits on the Chard Prep School’s PTA said: “We welcome our local community to step back in time and join us at our vintage Midsummer Fête.

"Join us for our traditional Midsummer Fete on Monmouth Lawn, where the spirit of childhood reigns supreme. There is something for everyone at this vintage fair, fun games and much more.

"At Chard Prep School, we cherish the wonder of childhood, the timeless values and simple joys of outdoor play. Join us as we celebrate the magic of summer together."