There can’t be many in Watford and the surrounding area unaware of the local council elections next Thursday.

There are Police and Crime Commissioner elections taking place on the same day, which aren’t getting much attention, despite the present Conservative incumbent in Hertfordshire putting up his part of the council tax by 5.46%.

We will all feel that in our pockets.

I’ve been meeting lots of shop workers recently who’ve come out campaigning in Watford. USDAW, their trade union has highlighted the scale of what they call ‘a retail crime epidemic’. Shoplifting has risen 30% in the last year.

A survey of 5,000 shop workers revealed that in 2023, 7 out of 10 had been verbally abused, nearly half were threatened and 18%, almost one in five, had been physically assaulted, all for going to work to serve the public. From being rightly lauded as heroes during the pandemic to punch bags today. How quickly some forget.

After 14 years of the Conservatives, over 90% of crimes go unsolved! More criminals are let off, so more victims are let down.

Tom Plater Labour’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) candidate, fully supports putting more bobbies on the beat and scrapping the Tories’ £200 rule which stops shoplifting being investigated. We can’t go on like this. Things have got to change.

  • Matt Turmaine is Labour's Parliamentary candidate for Watford