AN EXHIBITION of unique works by a cut paper artist will be on display at Ilminster Arts Centre.

The works of Fiona Scott-Wilson will be at the arts centre from July 11 to August 12.

A message on the gallery’s website said: “A few years ago, I was exploring new ways of expressing myself and started experimenting with paper as a dry medium.

“I swopped my paints for multi-coloured, textured papers and my brushes with a scalpel.

"In the beginning, my work was very simple graphic images and designs inspired by my favourite artist Matisse, who made art with paper a viable art form. Over the years my style of work has continued to evolve.

“I use paper like brush strokes in paint, using my scalpel with more precision to cut out fine details.

“I try to create more complex and intricate ‘paintings’, using an accurate and extensive colour palette of textured papers.”

For more information visit the arts centre's website here.