THE Bridgwater Mercury's New Year Reflections series continues with Bridgwater mayor Cllr Diogo Rodrigues reflecting on the year just gone, and what it is come in 2019.

IT is that time of year when we wrap up warm against the cold and reach out to loved ones near and far.

It is a time when we give generously to those that need it more than we do, a time when we reflect on another year that is almost over, the struggles that we may have endured and the battles that we may have won.

It is also a time when we can come together and give thanks for everything that unites us.

This past year Bridgwater has given us a lot to be proud of and showed us the strength in our diversity. From the many voluntary groups such as the Bridgwater Street Pastors who give their time to keep our town safe at night, to the youth organisations like the Bridgwater Sea Cadets and the Rollercoaster, who do a sterling job in keeping our young people safe, engaged and entertained.

Our community centres at Victoria Park and Sydenham have done a fantastic job in providing for us and keeping our communities going, whether it be with karate classes for our young ones or lunch clubs for our older ones.

And we have seen the emergence of new cultural associations in our town, including the Somerset Portuguese Association and the East Timor Community, which shows just how appealing Bridgwater has become, not just to us but those from far and wide too.

The year ahead will no doubt be just as eventful and exciting as the one coming to an end, and I look forward to representing our wonderful town and its people as your Mayor through it all.