A NEW committee was installed at the March annual meeting.

The treasurer gave a favourable report on 2014 and said the group remains financially viable.

Chairman Linda thanked Nigel Tinley for auditing the accounts and was given a gift voucher as a token of members' appreciation.

Minutes secretary Doreen Toms gave a comprehensive account of last year’s activities, including details of meetings, fundraising events and donations made to other organisations.

Linda outlined her thoughts on retiring as chairman and thanked everyone who had helped make another very good year.

The committee was elected with Maureen Cornelius as new chairman, Doreen Toms as vice-chairman and treasurer remaining as Ann Seebright. The rest of the 2014 committee was reelected en-bloc but no-one was nominated for new minutes’ secretary, so this will need to be considered at the next committee meeting.

Pat Dixon offered to be coffee organiser for the coming year.

Maureen presented flowers and a gift token to Linda – chairman for the past seven years – with a similar tribute to Doreen, minutes secretary for the past 11 years. To remind Linda of her service, a long look had been taken at the guild press cuttings book and a poem was read about memorable events in that time.

The games group was to meet on Monday, handicraft tomorrow (Thursday), ChitChat on March 25 and the ramblers are exploring the Tatworth area tomorrow and the Henlade area on March 26.

Competition winners were Heather Manning and Elsie Morris, and raffle winners were Maureen Cornelius, May Knight, Margaret Prior, Peggy Clarke and Pat Dixon.

The next meeting is on April 7 when Jenny Kenton will talk about a Mayor's Story. New members and visitors are welcome to join at Manor Court School at 7.30pm.