Chard & Ilminster News - Memorials

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In Memoriam

Thelma DAWE

DAWE Thelma January 2008. We will always love and miss you. With every passing day, The longing…
Published on 17/01/2024
In Memoriam

Edna May Potter

POTTER Edna May Love you and miss you so much Mum. Elaine, Pat, Andrew and Jeremy xx
Published on 10/01/2024
In Memoriam


SMITH Sean 19th December 1973. Precious memories of our dearest Son and Brother, Forever in our…
Published on 20/12/2023
In Memoriam

Christine Burgess

BURGESS Christine Dearest Mum, Heartaches and sorrow in life are many, But losing you was the…
Published on 20/12/2023
In Memoriam

Skylar North

NORTH Skylar 10.12.22 Though you are no longer here, our memories will never fade. Love you. Zoe…
Published on 06/12/2023
In Memoriam

Skylar-jade Xia NORTH

NORTH Skylar-jade Xia We can't believe that it's been a year since you left us on the 10/12/22.…
Published on 06/12/2023
In Memoriam

Leslie Harold Potter

POTTER Leslie Harold 23rd October 1992. Always in our hearts. Elaine, Pat and boys xx
Published on 29/11/2023
In Memoriam

Susan Mary Hodder

HODDER Susan Mary 28.11.2006 17 years since you slipped away, thought of and remembered every day.…
Published on 29/11/2023
In Memoriam

Marleen Gollop

GOLLOP Marleen 22nd November 2020 Forever in our thoughts and always in our hearts. All our love,…
Published on 22/11/2023
In Memoriam

Barbara Rampton

RAMPTON Barbara 26th November 2013 It's been 10 years since you left us Mum. Miss you so much. You…
Published on 22/11/2023
In Memoriam


GILMORE Jake It is 10 years since we tragically lost you on 17/11/13 At 19yrs you still had so…
Published on 15/11/2023
In Memoriam

John Frederick Robert Dugdale

DUGDALE John Frederick Robert Thinking of your always especially on what would have been your 80th…
Published on 01/11/2023