MORE than 100 children were evacuated from Neroche Primary School after being informed the country was a war.

But the announcement from the Prime Minister was just part of the school’s history lessons on the Second World War.

Pupils listened to Neville Chamberlain’s broadcast from 1939 which informed the public that the country was at war with Germany.

To begin the school’s Second World War Topic, all of the children and staff from Year 3 to Year 6, made gas mask cases and dressed up in 1939 period dress for the school’s evacuation to the Fleet Air Arm Museum in Yeovil.

During the day the children handled artefacts and learned learnt from the museum’s education staff.

Year 6 pupil Oliver said: “It felt really strange pretending to be evacuated. The children who were actually evacuated must have been really confused about what was going to happen to them.”

Connel Boyle, headteacher, said: “Seeing our staff dressed in 1930s dress was spiffing. The children and our parents really made a huge effort to support this exciting trip to begin our topic.

“As a result of the children being so inspired by the day the writing produced in the school, which culminated in creating newspapers reporting the start of the Second World War, was exceptional.

“I cannot wait to see the children share their 1940s dance routines with their parents at our topic assembly later in the year.”