CHARD Town Council has set a precept of £530,854 for the 2012/13 financial year – a reduction of £2,746 on the previous 12 months.

That means the town council’s average Band D household element of the council tax – which will come into effect on April 1 – will be at the same rate as 2011/12 at £117.17 a home.

The council’s overall budget includes a reduction of £5,637.88 in payroll costs and an increase in legal fees from £2,891.88 to £4,891.88.

Cllr Martin Wale, chairman of the town council’s finance and Guildhall committee, said: “In setting this year’s budget we have increased the money available for Chard organisations by way of grants by 50% to £15,000.

“We have put £10,000 aside towards acquiring new cemetery land and £10,000 to replace a vehicle for our amenities department.

“Also, the payroll has been reduced for the third year running and a new part-time post has been created in the amenities team, while we’ve also been able to absorb the increase in utilities.”

Cllr Wale added: “This budget has been achieved with no increase on our part of the council tax for Chard people – thanks to careful budgeting and efficiencies by the town council.”

He said a review of all its services would be carried out in 2012/13 to see if further efficiency measures could be implemented, along with an improved performance.