YOUTHS from across Ilminster came together to see democracy in action and ask questions of their own to the town’s council.

Representatives from Greenfylde First School, Swanmead Middle School and Wadham School posed their questions to the town’s mayor, Cllr Val Keitch, and clerk Joy Norris.

A strong theme to the questions was around play and leisure with youngsters enquiring about the provision for play in the Swanmead Drive area and any plans to develop provision at the Rec or on Herne Hill with a walking trail.

Cllr Keitch said: “The three schools bring along about six pupils each.

“We run it like a council meeting and the children ask questions. It is a wonderful way to engage with the young people.

"They ask some very challenging questions about the future of our town. It is lovely to see young people engaging and wanting to influence the future of Ilminster.”