HOMEOWNERS must adapt their houses to cope with adverse weather caused by climate change, experts have warned.

Scientists believe more than 2,000 homes in the UK will be hit hard by harsh conditions such as flooding, drought and hotter periods.

They say the root cause of catastrophic weather is global warming.

Green roofs, water-resistant doors and windows, solar panels and the ability to harvest rainwater are the kind of features that could help owners make sure their property is fit for the next century.

Developments to combat adverse conditions are needed now, according to interiors specialist Hillarys.

“There’s lots of talk around the science of climate change, but we’ve looked at the practical and often very simple measures that all home owners can start making now to ensure their homes are able to withstand more extreme weather conditions in the future,” said spokesperson Tara Hall.

The firm says that simple measures like installing a water butt would cost a household £50 and can save an estimated 400 litres of water a year, massively curbing energy emissions. This could save money for those who have a water meter installed.

Covering roofs with live greenery can have benefits such as reducing the risk of overheating.

It alleviates flood risk as more water run-off is absorbed.

Lawns are regarded as a natural way to reduce flood risk as they absorb more water than paving.

Replacing lower-level timber floors with solid concrete is a practical measure that can further increase a home’s resilience to flooding.

Visit Hillarys online at www.Hillarys.co.uk